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Raymond Weil

Raymond Weil is a Swiss watch manufacturer, one of the few remaining independent brands..

[[Raymond Weil Nabucco Rivoluzione|Nabucco Rivoluzione]], modern chronograph (click to enlarge!)
Nabucco Rivoluzione, modern chronograph
© Raymond Weil


The watch company Raymond Weil is based in Geneva and is one of the last independent Swiss watch brands that are still owned by the family.

The founder, Raymond Weil, begins watchmaking in 1976 under his own name. 1982 his son-in-law Olivier Bernheim joins the company. He modernizes the company structure and is responsible for the areas of communcation and marketing. 1996 Olivier Bernheim becomes CEO and president. In the meantime his two sons Elie and Pierre also collaborate the first as Head of Marketing, while the second is involved in the sale.

With an estimated annual production of 330,000 watches and a turnover of well over 200 million francs (as of about 2007) Raymond Weil proves that even independent family companies can be successfully maintained in the watch industry in the difficult segment of the mid to upper price range.


1990, the men's and women's collection “Parsifal” are launched, which contributes to the growing success. 1995, the classic collection “Tango” appears. 2002 appears the collection “Don Giovanni Cosi Grande”, 2007 the collection “Nabucco”. 2010, 20 years after the launch of the hitherto best known model of the brand, Parsifal, a new edition of the series is presented (see Parsifal Chronograph 7260).


Raymond Weil S.A.
Avenue Eugène-Lance 36-38
Case postale 1569
CH-1212 Grand-Lancy

Tel. 022/884.00.55
Fax 022/884.00.50

raymond_weil.txt · Last modified: 03.07.2022 15:37 by

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